Thursday, December 18, 2008

Porn-Again Christian

Mark Driscoll has written a booklet titled, Porn-Again Christians, which I thought was a clever title.  However, this book is FREE in PDF form online... just click here.  You can download this and share it with others.  Pornography is a very serious issue as you will find out shortly...

Anyone reading this right now is a part of a culture that spends more money each year on pornography than pro baseball, football, and basketball combined.  A little shocked huh?  Let's dig deeper.  More money is spent on pornography than country music, rock music, jazz music, classical music, Broadway plays, and ballet combined.  Still think that is ok or normal.  This culture spends more money a year on porn than the United States gives in foreign aid.  Does this seem ridiculous to you at all?  It should.  Last year America gave $10 Billion to foreign aid.  On the other hand, Americans gave $12 Billion to pornography.  These statistics are not only shocking but alarming.  In Paul's day he accused some people of worshiping their stomachs as their god, and in our day it appears that our god has simply moved a short distance south.  

I believe that sex has officially become a religion.  Just like Christianity is a religion with three main branches: Catholic, Protestant, & Orthodox... Sex, as well, has three main branches: Straight, Gay, and Bi.  No matter what your convictions are about pornography, you have to admit that it is taking this nation by storm.  Addictions are starting every second around the world as adolescents and even adults experience the massive world of pornography for the first time  with one simple click of a mouse.  The secret sins of pornography and masturbation paralyze many men with shame, guilt, and embarrassment.  Even if you are one that feels like pornography and the sexual culture we are saturated in are fine, you must agree that something of this magnitude deserves some thought and consideration.

Pornography is an epidemic that is radically desensitizing our nation.  Mark Driscoll discusses this in detail in his FREE e-book mentioned above.  The church has swept this issue under the rug enough.  It is time that we shed some light on this devastating problem before it claims more marriages, families, and individuals.  This e-book is an amazing resource especially for people involved in ministering to hurting and broken individuals.  Men... and woman for that matter... need to read this and heed the warning Driscoll gives.  Please pass this booklet on to anyone and everyone you know.  Christians need to stop hiding from SEX and start addressing it from a Biblically theological perspective.

Please... not for one minute... think that all Christians are claiming to be perfect and never struggle with lust and or pornography specifically.  Through the grace of Christ anyone can be freed from this addiction, even believers who think it is too late.  Driscoll addresses this as well.   

While you are downloading Porn-Again Christian make sure you check out Mark Driscoll's website the Resurgence.  There are tons of resources and information that will be extremely helpful to one's spiritual journey.


Nathan said...

Dude you post is a lot better than the video. Not sure if offering free whacks to the head with a brick will be effective but I trust that there's more to the book than that. Again, you made the trtuh manageable and tangible. Well done

Anonymous said...

Hey bro, I'm not trying to take anything away from your post. I believe that pornography is a huge problem in America today. The problem of the men who are addicted to pornography and masterbation is more than just that. It is a sin problem. They are unconverted and need Christ to regenerate them and give them a new heart and a hatred of sin (Ezekiel 36:24-29). The Bible is very clear in Revelation 21:8 that the sexually immoral shall burn in hell. While it is good to address sin and confront people in their sin, it does them no good do so if they are not saved to begin with. We have to look how the Bible defines what saving faith looks like and then we will know the difference between the sheep and the goats. Talk to you later Bro.

Bobby said...

I completely understand that if someone is not saved then pornography is the last thing they need to worry about. However, are you saying that someone who is truly a Christian does not have to potential to struggle with a sin like pornography? I guess what I am asking is ... how would you address the number of Christians that claim pornography as an issue in their life? Without simply saying they must not be saved. Thanks for the comment.

Anonymous said...

Great blog!

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Adam Vohrer
Vice President

Citizens Committee for Restructured Government (CCRG)