Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I said "I would NEVER"

Maggie and me @ the Denver Zoo.

Well... I guess it's true that one should never say, "NEVER." When I first started reading blogs I can remember clearly telling myself, "Self... You will never have a blog." This had nothing to do with me thinking blogging was evil or stupid, I just had nothing to say... and I knew no one would care anyways, which is probably still the case.

As you can tell.... if you are quick.... I now have a blog even though I swore it would never happen. The reason I am starting this is simple... I want to engage. I want to engage my friends, community, and culture concerning my relationship with Christ and any other aspect of my life I deem appropriate. This past semester I took an apologetics course and was convicted about my lack of apologetic engagements. If I claim to love Christ and serve Him... I should be willing to employ any medium to share that with others. This would include the blogosphere.

Engaging in that course (taught by Dr. Groothuis), I learned that Christian apologetics by its very nature is a means of convincing unbelievers of the truth, rationality, wisdom and pertinence of the Christian worldview. Christianity is not something that one has to check their mind at the door and simply take a blind leap of faith to subscribe to.  It is rational, true, and a cohesive worldview to live by.  Well... I will stop the preaching before it starts and save it for another day.

This blog is intended to keep my friends and family updated on Maggie and I, as well as simply share what Christ is doing in and through our lives.  I hope you enjoy reading yet another guys opinion... haha.   

Wow... this blogging thing wasn't as bad as I thought. 

I also want to thank my buddy Nathan Hoag (you should check out his blog) for the encouragement to do this.


Nathan said...

Dude this is sweet! Keep writing, reading and growing. Remember, if you aren't receiving hostile comments, you aren't writing boldly enough

Rob Schmidt said...

Hey Bobby, this is great stuff. Keep it up!

Bobby said...

thanks buddy... man it's been a while! how are you?